Let’s Talk About P.J.s…

Have you ever noticed how we spend a good chunk of time dressing for people we don’t know that well or don’t see regularly? Maybe it’s just me, but (for the most part) when I go to the grocery store, I try to look relatively put together. When I go to Bible study, I make sure I put on a little makeup, wear a nice outfit, whatever.

But today, I’m going to talk about what we expose our dearest loved ones to every day. Your spouse. Your kids. Your good friend who picks up your child for school every morning. Your cat. I want to talk about our pajamas and loungewear.

I hear the groans. I know what you’re thinking. Let me be clear. I am not proposing that we need to get all spiffed up just to kick around the house. I am not proposing that you don some uncomfortable evening wear just for the sake of looking good.

But what do your pajamas look like? Do they flatter you? We spend all this time wondering if our daily clothes “work” for us and then don’t give a second thought to the clothing the most important people in our life see us in every day. (And no, if you live alone that does not give you a free pass here.)

Now, here’s a confession. I have not been wearing flattering pajamas as of late — in fact all winter long I donned sweats. My excuse is that it’s chilly in the winter and in the morning I just want to be warm.

Fortunately, Mother’s Day is just around the corner. Every Mother’s Day my sister and I exchange gifts and it’s always the same each year — a new pair of stylish p.j.s. I’m convinced that it is possible to be comfortable and still wear something that would make my husband think, “Wow, look at the beautiful woman I married.” Even at 7 a.m.

There are a lot of pajama sets on sale at the moment. I did a little browsing and look what I found (you can click on the pictures for the actual link)…

This blue toile set from Macy’s would be great for my sister:

blue toille

I’m not much of a chemise girl, but this one from the Liberty of London for Target line is so dang cute (and totally affordable):

liberty of london

Victoria’s Secret always has a nice sleepwear selection, as well. Look at this boxer pajama set:

vs jams

I’d snap it up in a second — especially if it came with a guarantee that I’d look like that first thing in the morning. But I digress…

And I’ve always had pretty good luck with sleepwear at Kohl’s. I’m kind of digging these two options from the Simply Vera line by Vera Wang:

vera wang 1

vera wang 2

So, c’mon. ‘Fess up. Are you due for a pajama upgrade?

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About Melissa

Written by Melissa Angert, editor of this fashion blog and author of Girlymama. You can also find her on Twitter as Melissa Angert. She is a mom of 3 living in Providence.


  1. Yes! I love PJs – I’m always looking for new pair. VS does have a great selection, but some of my favorites I’ve actually picked up at Marshall’s.

  2. Thomasina says:

    I love PJ’s and lounge wear, but I will confess that I will not purchase either unless I absolutely have to! I will say that I do love the PJ’s at Target.

  3. Love PJs. I totally hear ya, and I try to keep my PJs looking decent. I live in tanks (or long sleeved Ts in the winter) and pajama bottoms from Old Navy or Gap.

  4. I LOVE pj’s and it’s actually really easy to make your own pj pants. You can just copy the pattern from your favorite pr and make them out of whatever fabric you want. I made some last wk out of the fuzziest fabric and they feel wonderful! Just a thought for those with a sewing machine!

  5. I really need a PJ upgrade. I tend to go through spurts here I will buy PJs and then when they are tattered and falling apart I will wait forever to get new ones. Right now I usually just throw on a t-shirt and am done with it. Maybe I need to invest in some nice PJs.

  6. I live in yoga pants {nice ones} at home and usually a tank or tee of some sort. I would love some more nice yoga pants in different colors. I tend to stay cold indoors if I wear shorts {even in the summer} so yoga pants work perfectly for me and are super comfy.

  7. YES! I AM in need of an upgrade!! Did my husband tell you to write this??