I loved Tracy’s post on Holiday Dress Coats for Girls, and she inspired me to write one for boys!
When I had a little boy (twelve years ago today, as a matter of fact!!), I was head over heels in love. The only disappointment was that buying clothes for boys was pretty unexciting. The fashion industry has come a long way in twelve years, though, and these days it is possible to find stylish, fun boys clothes too!
Here are my top picks for dress coats for boys.
1. I love this classic Wool Peacoat from Gap. $59.95
2. This Woollen Duffle Coat from Zara is another classic. $69.90
3. Another toggle coat, this one in gray from Children’s Place. $52.46.
4. For a splurge, this plaid wool coat for Little Boys is precious. (They have it for big boys too.) $139
5. And finally, this 77 Box Checked Cargo Coat from 77 Kids is stylin’ and affordable, although I will be one happy momma when this skull-and-crossbones fad is over. $79.50