Discover the Forest this weekend!

We make a huge effort to get our kids outdoors every day – even if its just to walk the dog! Children who play outside are more creative, have lower stress levels and more active imaginations. They also become fitter and leaner, develop stronger immune systems, and have greater respect for themselves and others as well as the environment.

With all of the new technologies and overscheduling of today’s world, it’s easy to forget just how close—and how important— your local forest or green space really is for your kids! There are many developmental benefits for children who spend time in nature, and it’s closer than you think.

Spending time in nature can spark the imagination of kids of all ages. Even then, after aimlessly wandering into hectic schedules, technology overload, and the never ending busy world around us, adults, like ourselves might find a spark of creativity in exploring the outdoors.

Saturday, September 26th, is National Public Lands Day! This is a day to encourage your family, friends and colleagues to enjoy your local #Naturehood. What is #Naturehood, you ask? It is the forest that is right in your neighborhood, and you may not even know it. Beyond the swings, slides and clearings, there are trails, trees, wildlife and water just waiting for you.

discover the forest

The forest and the outdoors are a place for adventure, learning, fun, and discovery! You can even incorporate it into homeschool lessons, or just a fun weekend science lesson.  The forest provides many benefits, like fresh water, shade and fresh air. There are so many possibilities.

Visit the “What to Do” page for a full list of fun activity ideas to get you started on your outdoor adventure!

What else can you do to help with National Public Lands Day? Get the word out to friends, family and colleagues about how important it is to step outside and take a breath of fresh air! Share one of these sample social media updates: 

  • Forests are magical places. It’s easy to forget that as you age- the world around you can begin to feel more and more ordinary. Find your local #Naturehood by visiting today. It’s time to reclaim your child’s imagination.
  • See adventure in the everyday. Find your local #Naturehood by visiting today. It’s time to reclaim your child’s imagination.
  • Forests the size of your backyard are transformed into fantasy worlds through our kids’ eyes—because when they’re small, everything is big. Find your local #Naturehood by visiting today.
  • Exposure to nature improves kids’ awareness, reasoning and observational skills. Find your local #Naturehood by visiting today. It’s time to reclaim your child’s imagination.


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About Melissa

Written by Melissa Angert, editor of this fashion blog and author of Girlymama. You can also find her on Twitter as Melissa Angert. She is a mom of 3 living in Providence.