Let’s Move!

YOU GUYS! A couple weeks ago, I was invited to spend the morning at the White House. The. White. House.

I was invited by PopSugar along with about 150 bloggers to attend a half-day session with First Lady Michelle Obama and her team to talk about one of her initiatives – Let’s Move.

The #whitehouse ! Dying. #letsmove

A photo posted by Vera Sweeney (@verasweeney) on

We arrived early in the morning and after passing through security, we were allowed to wander around and soak in the history. Apparently, these rooms are typically off limits. You can peek in from behind a velvet rope… but not walk through.

So of course, I sat on the couch.

My day at the White House
I could talk about the White House ALL DAY. But – that’s not why we were there. On to the program! We heard from several speakers and learned about several aspects of the Let’s Move program. Including First Lady Michelle Obama.

Meeting with FLOTUS about Let's Move!

Did you know that one in three children in America can be classified as obese? This is a national epidemic. We have moved from an active state to a docile state. Our jobs have changed. Our habits have changed. Our recreational activities have changed. Our food has changed.

Instead of playing outside with their friends after school, our children are playing on their iPads. Recess has become shorter and shorter – how many kids even walk to school anymore? Remember how we used to go outside after school and come home when it was dark? Our kids are missing out on activity and its impacting their health.


Lets Move!

Let’s Move! is a comprehensive initiative, launched by the First Lady, dedicated to solving the challenge of childhood obesity within a generation, so that children born today will grow up healthier and able to pursue their dreams. Combining comprehensive strategies with common sense, Let’s Move! is about putting children on the path to a healthy future during their earliest months and years. Giving parents helpful information and fostering environments that support healthy choices. Providing healthier foods in our schools. Ensuring that every family has access to healthy, affordable food. And, helping kids become more physically active. – LetsMove.Gov.

The solution to this lands squarely on us, parents. This begins in our own homes – with the food we buy and the activities we encourage.  I’ve read so many books on health and watched so many reports and documentaries and I’m convinced: It begins with food. What we put in our bodies – and our children’s bodies – directly impacts their health. My kids aren’t buying the food – they’re eating what I buy. I need to be intentional in the food I bring into our home – the healthy choices I make at the store enable my kids to make healthy choices at home!

Michelle Obama shared how with her family, this started with some small changes. And it didn’t happen overnight! It can seem overwhelming, but baby steps make a big difference!   Here’s some great tips from Let’s Move:

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I encourage you to click here and take the Let’s Move pledge. By doing so, you will agree to receive emails from the program that will help inspire healthy choices.

Let’s Move is setting a great example at how small changes can have a big impact! They haven’t ‘solved’ the greater problem, but they’re enabling so many kids to have access to healthier choices!

  • eliminated all junk food marketing in schools
  • is helping over 30 million children eat healthier school meals each and every day
  • is proud to be part of nearly 1 in 4 American Cities, Towns or Counties
  • has created salad bars in schools that feed over 2 million children
  • is found in schools where 10 million students now strive to get at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day
  • has changed the concept of daycare dining. Now 1.6 million kids attend healthier facilities where fruits and veggies have now replaced cookies and juice
  • is responsible for changing thousands of chain restaurant menus – creating healthier options for kids and cutting 6.4 trillion calories from their products

I was so proud to notice that our school district has implemented so many of these! We have school gardens, produce from local farms in our schools, unlimited fruits & veggies with school lunches, salads and more!

Right now, with all the politics being thrown all over the place, it was completely inspiring to hear about a group of leaders, NGOs, non-profits and brands coming together to tackle a problem.  Everyone walked away completely inspired. It was a once in a lifetime moment for us all. I cannot express the gratitude I feel towards PopSugar for inviting me!


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About Melissa

Written by Melissa Angert, editor of this fashion blog and author of Girlymama. You can also find her on Twitter as Melissa Angert. She is a mom of 3 living in Providence.