For the sewing- and craft-challenged, I present to you, Mighty Mendit. Mighty Mendit is like glue, but not. It's a bonding agent that grabs, adheres, and interlocks the fibers of almost any fabric for a permanent repair. It doesn't break down in the wash either. You may be wondering what … [Read more...]
Uggs and the Love/Hate Relationship
“With all the fun, cute, shoes out there, why would anybody put those on her feet?” That was pretty much my reaction a few years ago when I opened a magazine and saw some teen diva sporting Uggs. Of course she was wearing them with short, shorts and layered tank tops, which did nothing for the … [Read more...]
The Holiday Sweater
Yes, you're at the right place! We might look a little different, but we're still the same girlfriends gabbing about fashion and beauty products. Now, first, I have to get something off my chest. I have a confession to make. It's a little piece of my sordid past that very few people know … [Read more...]
Fashion Under Cover
I have always been a pear shaped person so when I began my weight loss journey I was hoping and praying that I would find my hips and bottom shrinking. While they did s.l.o.w.l.y melt away somewhat, I noticed that a certain other area seemed to be shrinking much quicker. An area that I … [Read more...]
Hemming and Hawing
What can I say? I'm short. Yes, it's true great things come in small packages, but unfortunately pant manufactures don't get this. If you don't know by now I love to shop, but trying to find a pair of pants that fit properly can wear me down quickly. I have tried the … [Read more...]
Thursday Tips, Tricks & Tools: Havin' It Made In Your Shades.
Welcome to the first post in the new Thursday Tips, Tricks & Tools series, right here at Chic Critique. We'll be shaking things up a bit each Thursday, stepping out of review mode to give you a weekly dose of how-to in the beauty/fashion/skincare arena. We ourselves, Jo-Lynne, June … [Read more...]
Thursday Tips, Tricks & Tools: Havin’ It Made In Your Shades.
Welcome to the first post in the new Thursday Tips, Tricks & Tools series, right here at Chic Critique. We'll be shaking things up a bit each Thursday, stepping out of review mode to give you a weekly dose of how-to in the beauty/fashion/skincare arena. We ourselves, Jo-Lynne, June … [Read more...]
Today we're going to talk about something every woman HATES to shop for -- swimsuits. Nothing strikes fear in the heart of a woman like swimsuit shopping. And I am no different. I have a laundry list of requirements for a swimsuit. 1) It must come in two pieces for potty … [Read more...]
Spanx and Assets
I'm new here so I'm not sure if this is allowed but I sure do want to write about Spanx. Spanx are similar to footless pantyhose that smooth down your hiney and legs creating a mirage of a perfect tush under your clothes. It's like wearing super-thin, comfy, tight long underwear. My mom … [Read more...]