Any woman knows that most designers – for any size – design in a bubble. What looks good in a sketch is not necessarily going to work on a body. And what works for your neighbor probably won’t work on you. Now let’s add plus size dresses to that, and the chances of a flattering fit drop yet again. … [Read more...]
Adorable Kids Interviewed for the Job of Santa for a Day
Santa’s shoes are undeniably tough to fill, however, there are some adorable kids that are up for the task! Lands’ End interviewed potential Santa candidates from Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Dane County and they shared just how they would approach the job of being Santa, should he be unable to … [Read more...]
Plan a Cruise Month – Win a Cruise of Choice Each Week in October
It's vacation planning time! Next year's spring break is just around the corner and we're in full vacation planning mode over here! Where to go next year? We literally want to go everywhere so our hardest aspect of vacation planning is narrowing down and prioritizing. Maybe this year we should … [Read more...]
Tips for the Perfect Beach Day
Living here on the coast of New England, we've quickly become masters of the Beach Day. We have a great beach about two miles from our house on the bay, but if we want the waves, we have to drive down to Newport and make a day of it! After a few false starts ("What do you mean you forgot your … [Read more...]
Pamper your Philly Mom!
I just got back from visiting my new nephew. Just look at this little nugget. It was amazing! And, of course, Aunties must come to visit bearing gifts! I made that sweet blanket that Baby Ben is laying on (it only took me a year, but I finished it!) and some little gifts for the new big … [Read more...]
Tips for Surviving Allergy Season in Philly
Some of you are frolicking around Cherry Hill, sniffing the cherry blossoms and enjoying all the new life that spring brings. Some of us are not. source That’s not spring in the air. That’s POLLEN. For some of us lucky folks, spring in Philly means constant sneezing, itchy, watery … [Read more...]
Beauty on the Road with P&G
If you follow me on social media, you probably noticed that we did a little something different this month. My husband and I went on an adventure of a lifetime! We escaped the winter chill in Philly and visited Ecuador, including the Galapagos Islands! It was magical, breathtaking and such a … [Read more...]
Tips for Date Night
I love when my husband and I get to sneak off for a date night! My instincts when a Philly winter hits is to stay home, drink coffee and wear fuzzy socks. But it’s so important to take off that Mom hat and get out for a date night – even in the cold! Sometimes, it felt like I was practically … [Read more...]
Prioritize YOU in 2016 with P&G *GIVEAWAY*
This year, is all about self-care. I read an amazing book this spring – The Fringe Hours by my good friend Jessica – and I felt so convicted. I’d been neglecting myself in so many ways, from not getting enough sleep to not taking time to do the things I enjoy. I was working, mothering and sleeping – … [Read more...]