Evenflo Tilty Training Cup

Our transition from the bottle to the sippy cup was somewhat smooth (with the exception of milk), so we've started working on the transition to regular cups.  Every time we go out to a restaurant, my son begs for our cups of water, which inevitably end up all over himself and the floor.  He always … [Read more...]

Be Hip with a Baby Wrap

Baby-wearing is taking the Pinterest world by storm, and as intrigued as I was with the concept before I got pregnant, it wasn't until Day Four at home with my little when I realized how important this trend is. Now, I have an almost-three-week-old, and my husband is back at work. The throngs of … [Read more...]

Urbini Stroller: Stroll Chic

“I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Mom Central for Urbini. I received an Urbini stroller to both facilitate my review as well as thank me for my participation.” One of the most stressful items to select for your baby registry is by far your stroller.  Let's face it: you need … [Read more...]

ATC Favorite: Huggies Clutch ‘n’ Clean

I won't lie.  There's been times we've been delayed five minutes getting out the door JUST because we're hunting down a travel pack of wipes as opposed to the refill wipes.  Oh, you weren't aware there was a difference?  Become a parent and you learn that one does not equal the other.  The Huggies … [Read more...]

ATC Favorite: Roshambo Baby Sunglasses

When I shop for my baby girl, I usually try to buy from businesses that meet certain guidelines. So when I discovered ro•sham•bo baby sunglasses, I was impressed, because this business met and exceeded every single one. Are these products safe for my baby? Check. ro•sham•bo baby sunglasses are … [Read more...]

ATC Favorite: Kiscords Childproof Cabinet Locks

When it comes to childproofing, my goal is to make sure my home is safe for baby while not completely covering my home in ugly plastic locks. I discovered Kiscords while researching cabinet lock options on Amazon. They looked simple and attractive - and they weren't very expensive, either. I … [Read more...]

ATC Favorite: Sock-Ons

What are Sock-Ons? Glad you asked. They're clever little things that keep baby socks on. I saw this little ad last summer and knew I had to try them out so I ordered a three-pack in the 0-6 month size last fall. They have worked so well that I had to order the 6-12 month size just a few … [Read more...]

ATC Favorite: Sticky Bellies Milestone Stickers for Moms and Babies

Everyone said it would happen, but I can't believe how fast time has just blown by. My little princess is about to turn 4 months old! I've been taking monthly photos with the intention of digitally adding on a text of the appropriate month. But sometimes it's hard to remember which month is … [Read more...]

Review: Beanie Designs Baby Hats

Remember about 20 weeks ago or so I took my dear friend Elle maternity shopping and shared with you all our great finds? Well lo and behold, Elle's Baby Boy arrived just a couple of weeks ago! He's the cutest little boy there ever was - and I'm not just saying that because I'm his … [Read more...]