Gift Guide for the..

Intex Explorer K2 Kayak -- $99.99 Wasing Internal Frame Hiking Backpack -- $49.99 Wealers 7-Piece Outdoor Utensil Set -- $24.99 Guide to the Stars -- $16.38 Whetstone Cutlery Multi-Tool -- $11.50 Camping Hammock with Mosquito Net -- $23.99 Pocket Fisherman Fishing Pole -- $28.06 … [Read more...]


Once again, Lands’ End - one of my Cyber Monday MUST HITS - ready to make a splash on the biggest shopping days of the year! Lands’ End is hosting the 7th annual 12 Hours of Twitter. Lands’ End is hosting the 7th annual 12 Hours of Twitter. Follow @LandsEndPR on Monday, November 28, 2016 from 10:00 … [Read more...]

Adorable Kids Inte..

Santa’s shoes are undeniably tough to fill, however, there are some adorable kids that are up for the task! Lands’ End interviewed potential Santa candidates from Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Dane County and they shared just how they would approach the job of being Santa, should he be unable to … [Read more...]

Gigy: For the Musi..

After listening to a friend sing with her guitar around the campfire, she was determined to learn to play. We found a used ukulele and now she's learning. (Its so adorable. I want to learn to!) A video posted by Melissa Angert (@melissaangert) on Aug 8, 2016 at 7:00pm PDT She is loving … [Read more...]

An Honest Review: ..

Bath time is a nightly ritual in our house.  Nothing signals bedtime more than a warm bath followed by some quiet time with books.  My three year old actually prefers showers nowadays, but occasionally will sneak into the tub with his two month old brother.  Regardless of if a shower or bath is … [Read more...]

An Honest Review: ..

I've been an avid Honest subscriber for some of our personal care products (for us and the kids!)  So far, I've been extremely happy with the majority of what we've used and will be posting some specific reviews on those products here in the next few weeks.  But first up, a review on one of Honest's … [Read more...]

#BeUnderstood duri..

In the U.S., 1 in 5 children struggles with brain-based learning and attention issues that affect reading, writing, math, focus and organization. These issues are a lot more common than most people think, and while learning and attention issues may not be as visible as other health issues, they’re … [Read more...]

Postpartum Workout..

Being 10 weeks postpartum means it's time for me to get back in the game of getting in shape.  I've been slowly easing into it as my endurance and strength are virtually non-existent post baby.  I'm working through a Couch to 5k program (have you heard of this app?  It's awesome.  It guides you … [Read more...]

Dreaming of a Cari..

One thing that we've totally neglected to think about in all of our vacation planning for next year is a trip for us. Not with the kids - I mean a getaway just for the two of us. We managed to get away together last February and it was AMAZING. At a little taverna in Athens There is nothing … [Read more...]