Lovely Liners

So many of us fall into one of two camps when it comes to eyeliner -- either totally terrified or black-all-the-time. I'm in the latter, and have a ton of friends in the former. Because liner makes such a dramatic difference, it can be tough to commit to using it at all, or changing up what you … [Read more...]

Dare to Try… The Best of Fall Beauty

Your tan might have faded, but your spirit hasn't. As we head into fall, there's never been a better time to up the beauty ante with some of the latest products and colors on the market. So as not to obliterate the walls surrounding your comfort zone, thus throwing you even farther back in your … [Read more...]

Nail It: The Best Colors for Summer-into-Fall

I was so tempted to opt for dark gray when getting a manicure last week, but I refrained as we are still a few weeks away from Labor Day. Shouldn't we still be feeling sunny and bright and pink? In the end, I went with a bold, nearly fluorescent coral on my toes, but couldn't bring myself to do pure … [Read more...]