Everyone needs a signature drink for the holidays. Whether you're trimming the tree with family, glammin' it up at a seasonal soiree or just sitting at home snuggled up under the blankets watching holiday movies, you need that perfect beverage to sip on. What should you look for in a seasonal … [Read more...]
Naughty or Nice: Take the T-Mobile Quiz
This post is a sponsored post. There are many questions that arise during the holidays: silver or gold? Eggnog or hot cocoa? Shop in store or online? But the holidays really come down to one very, very important question: naughty or nice? Not sure which list you are on (or, too afraid to find … [Read more...]
Hint it like you mean it with Helzberg’s
Oh, tell me your tales of past Valentine's Day woes. We all have them. From the last minute card shopping to the year your husband bought you sheets as a gift. Yes, sheets. I'm well aware that I was complaining that our current sheets were looking dingy, but really. For Valentine's Day? Us … [Read more...]
Now Trending: Holiday Cards
Yep, it's that time of year again. A friend texted me this week to procure my new mailing address, explaining she was about to sit down and address her holiday cards. I broke into a fast, cold sweat and whipped out the calendar on my iPhone. Sigh of relief. We're still not at Thanksgiving, so it's … [Read more...]