3 Rubber Boots that are Anything but Basic

Slushy snow getting you down? Unable to wear your beloved Uggs outside these days? We hear you. But traditional rubber boots designed for combatting wet weather can be so boring -- or downright ugly. Here are our top three chic rubber boots from total steal to major … [Read more...]

how to wear: lace

Although black lace was technically last fall's major trend, it's continuing its reign this fall and well into winter - inviting along its counterpart, white lace!  The red carpet has been overcome with lace frocks lately and I can't say I mind!  Adding a small amount of lace … [Read more...]

Let’s Talk About P.J.s…

Have you ever noticed how we spend a good chunk of time dressing for people we don't know that well or don't see regularly? Maybe it's just me, but (for the most part) when I go to the grocery store, I try to look relatively put together. When I go to Bible study, I make sure I put on a little … [Read more...]