Rompers, REALLY?

I’m sorry, I know it’s the latest trend, but I’m just not a fan. It’s just too reminiscent of Three’s Company.

What say you?

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About Jo-Lynne

Written by Jo-Lynne Shane, a professional lifestyle blogger, brand advocate and community manager. Named one of Nielsen’s 50 Most Influential Women in Social Media, Jo-Lynne is best known for her award-winning lifestyle blog, Musings of a Housewife, where she dishes up an assortment of food, fashion, fitness and family travel. She has been featured on, Southern Living Magazine, and in Cosmopolitan Magazine. In the local sphere, Jo-Lynne facilitates the vibrant networking group Philly Social Media Moms, providing community, support and education for 200 area bloggers. Jo-Lynne lives and works from home in the suburbs of Philadelphia with her husband of 17 years, three lively children and one extremely spoiled shih tzu named Savannah.


  1. Jo-Lynne, you would be perfect for a romper and look fabulous! Me not so much. If I were tall and slim, I would totally rock them. They are adorable. But word on the street (hubby) was rompers maybe moving out and shorts will be taking over the world [of fashion].

    • ha. you give me too much credit. wide hips and boobs do not lend well to rompers. 😉

      yeah, the shorts are rockin’ the fashion world – with heels no less. NOT a look for me, however. 🙂

  2. Actually, my cousin wore one on the beach last summer and looked stunning. Great as a cover-up!

  3. eww.

  4. Bwahahahaha when I saw that picture in my google reader without realizing what blog I was on, I thought – hunh I wonder who had Janet and Krissy over.

  5. cant. stand. them.

  6. Can’t even imagine how ridiculous that would look on me…I’m sure it would look adorable on the right person…thin…petitie…like Janet. But I have to wonder, how do you answer mother nature’s call?

  7. No way! I have to admit that I bought one for my 3 year old daughter last summer. It was adorable! I however would not be so cute in one!

  8. Lol, I agree with you. Maybe as a cover up, like a previous poster said? But, when I cover up, it’s needs to be something that will also prevent extensive sunburn, so it won’t EVER be for me. My daughter would look cute in one, though-she’s two, lol.

  9. HELL to the no. What’s worse is that they make them in plus size, too. As a plus sized girl myself, I can safely say, THAT’S JUST NOT RIGHT.