Winter White Coat :: Wear it Chic or Casual

This is a must have classic for winter, folks! Its instantly chic whether dressed up or down. Pair it with darks and you’ll brighten up a winter’s day. Or cozy it with neutrals, like tan, for a luxurious spin on casual.

coat | black boots | tan boots

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About Melissa

Written by Melissa Angert, editor of this fashion blog and author of Girlymama. You can also find her on Twitter as Melissa Angert. She is a mom of 3 living in Providence.


  1. Love the look but with my luck I would trip and make a face plant into a mud puddle. Then the tears would be falling. πŸ˜‰

  2. There’s definitely a hole in my wardrobe where an awesome white coat would be perfect in. I just never have hit one at the right time on clearance!

  3. I adore that charcoal sweater! Sweaters like that make the cold winter weather worth it πŸ™‚

  4. I’ve got my eyes on the browns boots and I definitely need some more long sleeves and cute jackets in my wardrobe!

  5. I love my white winter coat. Great styles.